Dr Ing. Brian Azzopardi invited speaker at Tiny Teens event organised by Esplora at the Birkirkara Primary School St. Theresa College.


“Exploring the Engineering Profession” was led by Dr Ing. Azzopardi, founding chair of The Foundation for Innovation and Research – Malta and Senior Lecturer II at The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST).

A snippet of the true magical Solar energy was highlighted! This interactive show explored the concept of photons being like packets of energy. We experienced the ‘dance of the photons’ and ‘Harness it to get Power’!

Around 80 students from Year 6 participated together with their parents or legal guardians and teachers and LSEs.

This event was partly supported by Horizon Europe TRANSIT Project – TRANSITion to sustainable future through training and education under Grant 101075747, and Horizon Europe PROMISE Project – Photovoltaics Reliability Operations and Maintenance Innovative Solutions for Energy Alliance under Grant 101079469.



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